Working with 100% tall web pages in CSS

Working with 100% tall web pages, including instructions and code samples…

Making Internet Explorer use PNG Alpha transparency

Internet Explorer supports some extra style features for providing transitions and filters to images. Two of these can help us with transparency in IE6. One is the AlphaImageLoader, which applies an image to the background of any element whose height and width are both explicitly set (or if the position: absolute; style is set) and […]

Scalable CSS Buttons Using PNG and Background Colors

How to create Dynamic CSS Buttons using PNG, transparency and background colors that degrade nicely and support full scalability i.e. buttons should resize in all directions according to the font size and content…

Textile Quick Reference

Textile is a markup language developed by Dean Allen and billed as a “humane Web text generator”. It converts marked-up text input to valid, well-formed XHTML. It also inserts character entity references for apostrophes, opening and closing single and double quotation marks, ellipses and em dashes. Here’s a quick reference…

Cross Browser 100% Height in CSS

The question of 100% height comes up often, and yet, what do we mean by 100% height? It is shorthand for 100% browser window minimum height. Why do so many designers want it? Because they can do it quite easily in a table-based design, maybe? Why then, is it so difficult? Can 100% height be […]