23 Extremely Helpful WordPress Help Sheets And Resources

Features not only wordpress help sheets, but also SEO optimization articles, online theme generator and coding tips showing where you can look further if you’ve got problems with coding.

Expand table rows with jQuery – jExpand plugin

jExpand is ultra lightweight jQuery plugin that will make your tables expandable. Typical for line of business applications, this feature can help you organize tables better.

50 New CSS Techniques For Your Next Web Design

50 fresh CSS tricks, techniques and tutorials that will help you to improve the quality of your next web design.

The Power of HTML 5 and CSS 3

HTML 5 enables us to replace our multitude of divs with semantically meaningful structural elements. This semantic specificity not only improves the underlying quality and meaningfulness of our web pages, but also enables us to remove many of the class and id attributes that were previously required for targeting our CSS. In fact, CSS 3 […]

30 Essential CSS3 Resources

Web designers around the world are extremely excited about the power of CSS3 and the creative freedom it offers. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up 29 resources for you to learn more…

Fonts available for @font-face embedding

There can be license issues when using fonts with @font-face embedding. Here’s a useful list of fonts that specifically allow @font-face embedding…

What are webfonts?

Webfonts are font files embedded in websites using the @font-face rule. This technique was first available in Netscape Navigator 4 using Bitstream’s TrueDoc standard but was discontinued in Netscape Navigator 6. Microsoft developed the Embedded OpenType format .eot which is supported in Internet Explorer since version 4. In march 2008 Apple introduced Safari 3.1 which […]

3D Transforms Using Safari Webkit

WebKit on Mac OS X now has support for CSS 3D transforms, which allow you to position elements on the page in three-dimensional space using CSS. This is a natural extension of 2D transforms, which we described in an earlier blog post. 3D transforms have been supported on iPhone since 2.0, and now we’re please […]

Creating Thumbnails Using the CSS Clip Property

One of the least used properties in CSS is the Clip property. Clip is part of the visual effects module of CSS 2.1 and its job is to place a visible window on top of an object that is being clipped. It is useful for clipping images and creating thumbnails without having to create additional […]

Maximum value of z-index

Z-index is used to determine the stacking order of absolutely positioned elements on a page. The CSS 2.1 spec says the value of z-index should be an integer. But it doesn’t define the any maximum values for it. So the actual max is often determined by what variable type the browser uses to store the […]

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