Remembering: The CSS3 Multi-Column Layout Module

Because I will not shut up about CSS3, this time I’ve decided to show you a little bit of the multi-column layout module. This module allows you to layout the content of an element in multiple columns, like flowing text on a newspaper-type layout…

How Well Do You Understand CSS Positioning?

When people are new to CSS layouts there’s a tendency to gravitate toward positioning. Positioning seems like an easy concept to grasp. On the surface you specify exactly where you want a block to be located and there it sits. Positioning is a little more complicated than it first appears though. There are a few […]

Absolute, Relative, Fixed Positioning: How Do They Differ?

An important concept to understand first is that every single element on a web page is a block. Literally a rectangle of pixels. This is easy to understand when when you set the element to display: block; or if that element is by default display: block; This means you can set a width and a […]

Specifics on CSS Specificity

The best way to explain it is to start with an example of where specificity gets confusing and perhaps doesn’t behave like you would expect. Then we’ll take a closer look at how to calculate the actual specificity value to determine which selector takes precedence…

Enabling CSS RGBA Support in IE

One of the most frustrating things about working with newer CSS attributes is that while most modern browsers will support them in their latest versions, IE almost never keeps up. Such is the case with the RGBA color declaration which enables developers to specify an alpha transparency along with a color. This works great in […]

Bubble Effect with CSS

You might be familiar with the plugin jQuery Dock which allows developers to create a menu like Apple Dock. Today, you will create a similar menu with bubble effect by using CSS only. Although it doesn’t have as smooth of an effect as jQuery Dock, it’s helpful for those that just want to make a […]

CSS Redundancy Checker

Use this tool to find CSS selectors that aren't used by any of your HTML files and may be redundant…

Atatonic CSS framework

Lately there are more and more CSS frameworks popping out of ground. My issue with most of them is that they mainly focus on the grid. All the other options are added in later. This framework has it's main focus on typography. Vertical rhythm is one of the most important things in design, so why […]

Designing CSS Buttons: Techniques and Resources

Buttons, whatever their purpose, are important design elements. They could be the end point of a Web form or a call to action. Designers have many reasons to style buttons, including to make them more attractive and to enhance usability. One of the most important reasons, though, is that standard buttons can easily be missed […]

CSS Border Attribute – Usage and Best Practices

Borders used to be those ugly gray things that surrounded elements such as tables and frames, but now with CSS they are a very powerful tool for designers…

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