CSS Counters: counter-increment and Friends

The CSS2.1 spec introduced a new technique allowing developers to combine three CSS properties and a pseudo-element to create auto-incrementing counters – similar to what is displayed in an ordered list. While counters for lists are limited to <ol> or <ul> elements and only with simple incrementation, the new counter method introduced in CSS2.1 allows […]

CSS3 Playground

A handy online tool for playing around and experimenting with CSS3…

CSS Media Query for Mobile is Fool’s Gold

Unfortunately, CSS media query is fool’s gold for mobile devices. It hides tough problems and gives developers a false promise of a simple solution for designing to multiple screens…

CSS3 Border-Radius & Rounded Avatars

Originally when I CSSed the round avatars on the DesignSwap comments area, I used the -webkit-mask-image property. I was really proud of how neat and effective this was until I realized you could apply border-radius to an image directly. To achieve a round avatar with a 2px beige border, I applied the following CSS to […]

Start Experimenting With CSS3 Keyframe Animations

CSS3 animations are the new kid on the block. It’s a big step. Although they haven’t really taken centre stage yet as only the webkit browsers support them. For this reason they’re used sparingly, in a lot of cases for experimental purposes or as ‘hidden gems’, but that doesn’t mean you should shy away from […]