Accessible custom checkboxes and radio buttons

A detailed CSS tutorial that explains how to implement customised checkboxes and radio buttons that are accessible. The method doesn’t use javascript and it retains keyboard interaction…

Responsive background images with fixed or fluid aspect ratios

Describes a technique to scale background images in responsive layouts…

CSS Filters Polyfill

This polyfill takes the official CSS filters syntax and translates it to the different equivalent techniques that the browsers know for those effects…

Increasing the Clickable Area of Inline Links

Inline links can be tricky to click accur­ately for mobile users. To make this easier we can increase the clickable click area…

EZ-CSS: An easy to use, lightweight, CSS framework

EZ CSS is a light (1kb), flexible, cross-browser friendly CSS framework that doesn’t bind authors to a “grid”…

The EMs have it: Proportional Media Queries FTW!

A core tenet of Responsive Web Design (RWD) is fluidity and proportion. Instead of using fixed-width layouts, we enlightened web devs and designers use percentages in our CSS. Font units aren’t pixels or points anymore, they’re percentages…

IE10 Snap Mode and Responsive Design

Describes a fix for the IE10 “bug” where IE10 ignores the meta viewport tag for any viewport smaller than 400 pixels in width (when in snap mode)…