Methodic Approach to CSS Coding

Which approach is better to write CSS code? In general I always prefer to use a methodic top-down approach I want to present you in this post. I called this process Four Bubbles Model.The model is based on four progressive phases that helps you quickly develop CSS files and maintain a better control of code […]

CSS Frameworks and Semantic Class Names

One of the most common complaints about CSS frameworks like Blueprint, YUI Grids, and is that they require designers to dirty their fingers by adding presentational class names to their HTML documents. However, some of the latest CSS frameworks provide clever solutions to this problem…

Why Stylesheet Abstraction Matters

I’ve seen a number of comments on blogs and twitter that amount to “You don’t need a new stylesheet syntax, CSS is simple and you’re a moron if you can’t do it.” I agree, CSS is simple. You assign style primitives to elements and some of those primitives cascade down to the elements contained within. […]

Roundup of Font Embedding and Replacement Techniques

There are more options than ever for getting unique, good looking fonts into your pages. Apart from @font-face, here are your options for font embedding services and font replacement techniques…

Beautiful CSS: Organizing Your Stylesheets

An article anout CSS stylesheet organization. The separation of style and content that makes CSS so awesome can also make it difficult to understand. Adding to that difficulty is the fact that each designer may have a different way of organizing stylesheets. If you inherit someone else’s site, this can cause some problems. In a […]

Why your Web content will look darker on Snow Leopard

If you’re a Web designer, expect your CSS colors and your untagged/unmanaged images to look darker on Snow Leopard than on previous versions of the Mac OS. You’ll also see less of a visible color shift when going from Photoshop to Flash or other unmanaged environments (e.g. Internet Explorer). Why is that? Apple has switched […]

15 Ways to Optimize CSS and Reduce CSS File Size

I have gathered a long list of CSS optimization and file size reduction techniques that have been using by most designers/developers. Depend on the complexity of your CSS code, these techniques might greatly reduce your CSS file size, or maybe just a few kilobytes…

A Crash-Course in Advanced CSS3 Effects

Webkit is one of the few – if only – browser engines that really embraces advanced CSS3 effects. Unfortunately, this presents somewhat of a double-edged sword. We get to play with all of these amazing effects – such as CSS masks, reflections, transitions, animations, scaling, etc. – yet, we can’t truly implement them into our […]

Web fonts and standards

It remains to be seen whether a font-licensing standard and universal browser support for @font-face will kill the middlemen, or whether the middlemen will prove so successful that they delay or stifle the adoption of a font-licensing standard and allow Microsoft to shrug its shoulders indefinitely at supporting @font-face for anything beyond its proprietary EOT […]

Mastering CSS, Part 2: Advanced Techniques and Tools

CSS is one of the most basic building blocks of modern web design. It creates the structure and style that surrounds your content and is capable of making your site a joy to use or a pain in the neck. Mastering CSS is one of the most important things a web designer can do, and […]

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