CSS – The Space Combinator

Combinators are an overlooked part of CSS development. Most juniors don’t even know they are making use of them, others are unaware of their full potential and let’s face it, even most professionals don’t really know about the ins and outs of CSS combinators. It’s all connected to that little piece of nothingness in between […]

Understanding CSS Specificity

The “C” in CSS stands for cascading. This means that that style rules that show up later in the stylesheet will override rules which appear earlier. But this isn’t always the case. There’s something else you have to take into consideration, as well: specificity…

CSS Specificity And Inheritance

Understanding a few often overlooked CSS concepts is important. The concepts may be hard to grasp and look boring at first, but understanding them and knowing how to take advantage of them is important. Two of these concepts are specificity and inheritance. Not very common words among Web designers, are they? Talking about border-radius and […]

Understanding CSS Style Precedence

Have you ever run into the situation where you’re trying to apply a css style to an element, but it won’t take? Your page it seems to be ignoring your CSS, but you can’t figure out why. Maybe you found yourself using !important or adding an inline style as a last resort. There’s a good […]

Why You Should Deeply Nest Your CSS Selectors

Most developers, even experienced developers, don’t understand the value of deeply nesting CSS selectors. Although writing the same selectors over and over might seem redundant, it’s worth the extra effort. Your code will be better organized, easier to read, and more maintainable…

Multiple Class / ID and Class Selectors

It’s possible to use combinations of classes and IDs to target elements that have combinations of classes and IDs. This article explains that clearly with some easy to understand examples…

Specifics on CSS Specificity

The best way to explain it is to start with an example of where specificity gets confusing and perhaps doesn’t behave like you would expect. Then we’ll take a closer look at how to calculate the actual specificity value to determine which selector takes precedence…

Use the Cascade – On Using CSS Sensibly

Many times I see people of all skill levels making poor use of the first “C” in CSS; cascading. Furthermore, a constant underuse of specificity is apparent in a lot of developers’ work. While this isn’t wrong per se, it doesn’t make best use of CSS’s primary attribute/purpose, and can cause unecessary workload and coding […]

CSS Specificity – Cheat Sheet

One of most common difficulties with CSS is determining what CSS rule will be applied on the page. But actually it’s not so hard to understand how these rules are applied and the order of CSS Specificity. Here’s a CSS Cheat Sheet that should help you learn and remember CSS Specificity rules…

Everything You Need To Know About CSS Selector Specificity

There’s an obscure topic of CSS that I think many people aren’t aware of. It’s called “specificity”. I suppose it’s not as glamorous as rounded corners, drop shadows or animations but it's still just as important in your day to day work as any other part of CSS…

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