Pure CSS3 Post Tags

This is a rather simple pure CSS trick you can use to style your blog post tags, usually placed at the bottom of the posts. Pure CSS post tags uses at least 2 CSS tricks such as CSS triangles and CSS circles…


Primer undercoats your CSS by pulling out all of your classes and id’s and placing them into a starter stylesheet. Paste your HTML in to get started…

How to Create Perfect Pre Tags

If you operate a website that features lots of code examples, you know how important it is to spend some quality time styling the “pre” element. When left unstyled, wild “pre” tags will mangle your preformatted content and destroy your site’s layout. Different browsers treat the “pre” tag quite differently, varying greatly in their default […]

How to simplify your markup using ID for anchors

CSS Signatures are all the rage these days. If you’re not familiar with a CSS Signature, it’s basically nothing more than an ID on your body tag. The fundamental purpose of the CSS Signature is to allow a user to specify style adjustments to your site in their own user style sheets. Whether or not […]

How to use headings in HTML

Many of web standards rookies feel that passing validation is good enough to call their work web standards compliant. Those who are more involved in web standards know that there’s more than that. Use of headings is a good example. While the validator will not show any warnings or errors for headings, you can’t say […]