How to use CSS @font-face

We’ll prepare typefaces for use on the web, go through @font-face CSS line-by-line, and get the experts take on browser support…

Grid Designer

Grid Designer is a tool to help you create solid layouts. You can define a grid, set typography and then export the HTML and CSS code. Every design can be bookmarked for future reference…

How to Achieve Cross-Browser @font-face Support

At the moment, web fonts are all the buzz. Unfortunately, achieving cross browser support is not easy. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to get custom fonts working in all of the major browsers…

Becoming a Font Embedding Master

I’ve spent a couple days worth now trying to figure out the best and most complete approach to font embedding using @font-face. It really is a dark art that must be mastered. It is by no means a straightforward process. Here’s the findings…

CSS @font-face in Depth

When I told one of my co-workers how excited I was that almost all the major browser vendors now supported font-embedding in their products, I got the same reaction from her that Bert from Sesame Street got when he told Ernie how exciting he thought bottle cap collecting was yes, gratuitous ridicule was involved. Now, […]

Guide to CSS Font Stacks: Techniques and Resources

CSS Font stacks are one of those things that elude a lot of designers. Many stick to the basic stacks Dreamweaver auto-recommends or go even more basic by just specifying a single web-safe font. But doing either of those things means you’re missing out on some great typography options. Font stacks can make it possible […]

Roundup of Font Embedding and Replacement Techniques

There are more options than ever for getting unique, good looking fonts into your pages. Apart from @font-face, here are your options for font embedding services and font replacement techniques…

Simple CSS Tricks to Greatly Improve Site Typography

When creating a minimalist or simple website design, typography plays a key role in adding contrast and interest that would normally be done with images. Because of that, it’s essential that the typography looks professional and is well-tuned with the rest of the design. Here are a few CSS tips to make sure you get […]

Bulletproof CSS @font-face syntax

Let me introduce you to the best way to do your @font-face definitions. I’ll circle back to why this is the best possible solution but let’s first review the other techniques’ weaknesses. Of course, the problem at the center of this is that IE needs an .eot font, and the other browsers must take a […]

@font-face and 15 Free Fonts You Can Use Today

Fonts are a huge part of design (as we all know). Text on the web needs to be much more dynamic than in any other media. We have solutions like Cufón, sIFR, etc. but perhaps one of the better options is using @font-face in CSS. We’ll take a quick look at using @font-face in CSS […]

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