Checkerboard, striped & other background patterns with CSS3 gradients

You’re probably familiar with CSS3 gradients by now, including the closer to the standard Mozilla syntax and the ugly verbose Webkit one. I assume you know how to add multiple color stops, make your gradients angled or create radial gradients. What you might not be aware of, is that CSS3 gradients can be used to […]

How to Control Your CSS3 Animations

Here’s a CSS3 animation property that you might not know about. The -webkit-animation-fill-mode property. It provides fine-tuned control over your CSS3 keyframe animations…

Controlling text size in Safari for iOS without disabling user zoom

The default viewport settings – the size and scale of the viewport – in Mobile Safari/Safari for iOS are optimised for websites with a width of 980 pixels. This means that if you use a fluid/elastic layout or media queries to make your layout adaptable, Safari on iOS doesn’t take advantage of the flexibility that […]

Everything You Wanted To Know About Gradients And a Few Things You Didn’t

An in depth article covering CSS3 gradients. The smartly applied gradient can be a valuable contributor to a designer’s vocabulary. Let’s take a quick look at how to create CSS gradients—hopefully we can make them seem a bit more accessible, and bring a bit more art into the browser…

An Introduction to CSS 3D Transforms

3D transforms change the way we think about the blank canvas of web design. Better yet, they change the canvas itself, trading in the flat surface for voluminous depth. We web designers, who have rejoiced for border-radius, box-shadow and background gradients, now have an incredible tool at our disposal in 3D transforms. They deserve just […]

Using RGBA to Prevent the CSS Opacity Inheritance from Parent to Child Elements

This new solution deals with RGBA CSS3 backgrounds for Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Opera and Apple Safari and the Microsoft-proprietary DXImage gradient filters for Internet Explorer and may give you some new design ideas. Make sure you check the test page which I have created for this article…

CSS Arrows and Shapes Without Markup

Often it’s useful to show an arrow or some sort of contextual indication of what element something is related to. We see this frequently with tooltips that use arrows to point to the item that is triggering them. Today I’m going to show you a way to add in these visual hints without having to […]

CSS Positioning 101

If you’re a front end developer or a designer who likes to code, CSS-based layouts are at the very core of your work. In what might be a refresher for some, or even an “a-ha!” for others, let’s look at the CSS position property to see how we can use it to create standards-compliant, table-free […]

Understanding CSS3 Transitions

We can start to use CSS3 transitions right now as long as we carefully choose the situations in which to use them. They certainly won’t replace existing technologies like Flash, JavaScript, or SVG (especially without broader browser support)—but they can be used to push the experience layer a notch higher. And most importantly, they’re relatively […]

Getting Clever with CSS3 Shadows – Screencast

As soon as we detach a shadow from the element, itself, we can then transform the shadow in interesting and creative ways. This quick video tutorial will show you how…

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