Formalize CSS

I want some measure of control over form elements, without changing them so drastically as to appear foreign in a user’s operating system. Thus, my quest to find a happy medium, where browsers would generally agree and let me keep my sanity. The result is what I’m simply referring to as Formalize CSS…

Diagonal CSS Sprites

With the sprite built on a diagonal there are no components below or to the right of the component you are showing. This allows for the element using the sprite to be as wide or as tall as it needs to be with no worry of exposing the next component…

CSS Border Tricks – Pressed, Beveled, Shadows, Indented Borders

Since I released my new redesigned blog, a lot of people have asked me how I styled the pressed effect on my category navigation. I would like to share some simple border style tricks to get various effects for your next project…

CSS3 Advanced Box Shadows

In this video, you’ll learn about additional box-shadow features, such as multiple shadows and inset shadows. You’ll also learn some advanced techniques, such as how to create a sunken well effect…

CSS3 Animated Bubble Buttons

This week we are creating a useful set of animated buttons with the power of CSS3’s multiple backgrounds and animations. With this button pack, you can easily turn any link on your page into an animated button by just assigning a class name. No JavaScript necessary. Four color themes and three sizes are also available […]

An Almost Complete Guide to CSS3 Multi-column Layouts

One of the defining features of print design is the ubiquity of multi-column layouts. And there are a couple of good reasons why this is the case. First of all, it’s generally easier to read lines of text between 8 and 12 words long. Second, it’s easier to control the amount of negative space in […]

Creating Shadows Around Polygons in CSS

Almost every polygon can be reduced to a combination of simpler shapes — a reduction that’s the essence of how we make complex shapes with HTML and CSS in the first place. So what we have to do is apply the shadow to both those boxes, and then cut off the overlap with clip…

CSS3 Card Trick: A Fun CSS3 Experiment

This tutorial is based on a simple animated experiment that showcases just one of the amazing things you can create using CSS. I’ve used no images and no scripting; everything’s done using HTML and CSS…

CSS Counters: counter-increment and Friends

The CSS2.1 spec introduced a new technique allowing developers to combine three CSS properties and a pseudo-element to create auto-incrementing counters – similar to what is displayed in an ordered list. While counters for lists are limited to <ol> or <ul> elements and only with simple incrementation, the new counter method introduced in CSS2.1 allows […]

Start Experimenting With CSS3 Keyframe Animations

CSS3 animations are the new kid on the block. It’s a big step. Although they haven’t really taken centre stage yet as only the webkit browsers support them. For this reason they’re used sparingly, in a lot of cases for experimental purposes or as ‘hidden gems’, but that doesn’t mean you should shy away from […]

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