CSS Run-in Display Value

CSS has a value for the display attribute called run-in. It allows a header to run into text below it, without sacrificing semantics or running into the problems you might run into trying to force it with other layout techniques…

Word-Wrap: A CSS3 Property That Works in Every Browser

Okay, this is not exactly the kind of CSS property that’s going to be used in every design. But it is a very useful one when you need it, and some might say it’s much more practical than some of the fluffy new CSS3 features like transitions and whatnot.The property I’m talking about is the […]

Understanding CSS3 border-image

The new CSS3 property border-image is a little tricky, but it can allow you to create flexible boxes with custom borders (or drop shadows, if that’s your thing) with a single div and a single image. In this article I explain how the border-image shorthand property works in today’s browsers…

Pure CSS collapsible tree menu

The classic tree view, we all know it, it’s used everywhere and it definitely can be useful in the right context. I’ve seen various examples about doing it with CSS and they’ve all required JavaScript. Not content with any of those solutions I investigated doing it with pure CSS, I got a good head start […]

Font metrics and vertical space in CSS

We put a lot of effort into the quality of the fonts in the Typekit library. As part of that work, we’ve been researching the relationship between font math and CSS, and would like to share what we’ve found. If you’ve ever wondered why some fonts look smaller than others at the same typeset size, […]

CSS Webkit Appearance

I did my fair share of testing this site on an iPad during development. In most cases, the version of Mobile Safari found on the iPad renders pages like any other standards-based browser. Only when I got to native UI elements like search boxes & text fields did I notice an inconsistency. A pre-set styling […]

CSS Content Property

CSS has a property called content. It can only be used with the pseudo elements :after and :before. It is written like a pseudo selector with the colon, but it’s called a pseudo element because it’s not actually selecting anything that exists on the page but adding something new to the page…

CSS3 Chess Board

I was browsing the web today and found something exciting. I noticed that there are unicode characters for chess pieces. Always looking for ways to play with CSS3 I decided to try and build a chess board using my new best friend :nth-child and some unicode characters…

Create A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact Form

Building stylish contact forms typically requires the use of images and maybe some JavaScript to create something that looks professional. However, with CSS3 it’s now much easier to create some nice effects that don’t require the use of any images, yet can still look clean and stylish.In this tutorial we’re going to look at a […]

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