Using CSS3 Text Shadow for Active Link States

Recently, Chris Spooner of Line25 wrote a tutorial describing how to create a letterpress effect with CSS3’s text-shadow property. In another article, Chris Coyier of CSS-Tricks showed how he makes all the text links on his website feel more button-like using a simple bit of CSS positioning. During a recent project I was working on, […]

Semantic CSS3 Lightboxes

Create a modal CSS3 lighbox effect. If you’ve ever come across a link or image which — upon clicking — increases in size and where the rest of the screen gets “shaded” to focus on the content, you’ll know what I’m talking about. This tutorial aims to showcase a method of displaying content based on […]

Using CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation

First things first – these demos are showing of CSS transitions, transforms 2D and 3D and animations. Currently May 2010, transitions and 2D transforms are available in all current browsers at least in a dev build apart from Internet Explorer, 3D transforms and animations are only in Safari. Most examples degrade nicely, so if you […]

Random Color CSS3 Animation

Ever since I wrote my first lines of code, I have had a strange interest in the functions that generate random numbers. and yes, I know actual random doesn’t exist Every time I just want to fool around with some code, you will find me popping in a random function in somewhere. So when I […]

Raindrop Logo in CSS

Playing around with -moz-radial-gradient this past while, and seeing the amazing job done on the CSS Opera logo by David Desandro, I thought I’d have a go at recreating one of the logos I illustrated within the past year using pure CSS. The Raindrop logo I created was the prime candidate, as my first thoughts […]

CSS Image Switcher

Build a CSS only image switcher with help from this screencast. There’s no JavaScript used, just plain CSS. The trick is some simple z-index switching on hover and a bit of absolute positioning…

Create Beautiful CSS3 Typography

It has been suggested that beautiful and usable websites are created on a foundation of beautiful and usable typography. I’ve even read an article that suggests that the web is actually comprised of 95% typography. I’m not convinced that there is any empirical evidence for this figure, but I think that the point is a […]

Practical CSS Shapes

A common design technique lately is to create a fold effect, where it appears as if a heading is wrapping behind its container. This is generally achieved through the use of tiny images; however, with CSS, we can mimic this effect quite easily…

Better Page Corner Ads with CSS3 Transforms

The other day I came across a useful site called that allows you to get up-to-date script tag links that point to your favourite JavaScript libraries. The site has a clickable corner ad promo to get people to “spread the word”. I thought using CSS3 there would be a better way to position such […]

Build Kick-Ass Practical CSS3 Buttons

What once required background images and icons can now be created with plain-old CSS. Because modern browsers have access to things like box shadow, gradients, rounded corners, text-shadows, and font-face, we can finally take advantage of this and remove any need for images, when creating visual elements, such as buttons! This video tutorial will show […]

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