Mastering CSS Coding: Getting Started

CSS has become the standard for building websites in today’s industry. Whether you are a hardcore developer or designer, you should be familiar with it. CSS is the bridge between programming and design, and any Web professional must have some general knowledge of it. If you are getting your feet wet with CSS, this is […]

Screencast: Converting OTF or TTF to EOT

A great screen cast explaining how to use FontForge to convert any properly licensed OTF or TTF font to EOT format that you can then embed in a web page using just CSS…

CSS @font-face in Depth

When I told one of my co-workers how excited I was that almost all the major browser vendors now supported font-embedding in their products, I got the same reaction from her that Bert from Sesame Street got when he told Ernie how exciting he thought bottle cap collecting was yes, gratuitous ridicule was involved. Now, […]

YUI CSS Framework Tutorial

How to use the YUI CSS Framework to cut down on the time and stress it takes to produce a good layout. What is YUI? The Yahoo User Interface library is comprised mostly of Javascript utilities and controls to help front-end developers create a rich user interface. It also comes with a great CSS framework […]

CSS Shorthand – A Guide to Cleaner and Faster Coding

As web designer’s we’re always looking for ways to speed up workflow. One of the simplest ways to speed up and clean up your coding is to learn CSS Shorthand. In order to fully grasp shorthand, it’s helpful to already have a decent knowledge of CSS. Here’s a a simple guide to bring you into […]

Solve Any CSS Problem In 3 Minutes (Or Less)

If you’ve spent any length of time building tableless web designs, you’ve probably come across some frustrating CSS problems. Sometimes floats don’t float right or links and images won’t line up. Internet Explorer offers its own brand of pain when it comes to CSS, with weird bugs like doubled float-margins and the ability to make […]

Object-Oriented CSS: What, How, and Why

It sounds like an oxymoron, or at least an impossibility, doesn’t it? How can a static language that’s really more like markup than programming be object-oriented? In this tutorial, you’ll see the idea of object-oriented CSS, how it works, and reasons why you should be using it for your projects…

How to Create Nice Scalable CSS Based Breadcrumbs |

Breadcrumbs are a useful way of ensuring that your visitors know exactly where they are. In this tutorial you will learn how to create scalable CSS Based Breadcrumbs using only one simple graphic. The rest is basic CSS styling with an unordered list as HTML code…

Everything You Need To Know About CSS Selector Specificity

There’s an obscure topic of CSS that I think many people aren’t aware of. It’s called “specificity”. I suppose it’s not as glamorous as rounded corners, drop shadows or animations but it's still just as important in your day to day work as any other part of CSS…

Guide to CSS Font Stacks: Techniques and Resources

CSS Font stacks are one of those things that elude a lot of designers. Many stick to the basic stacks Dreamweaver auto-recommends or go even more basic by just specifying a single web-safe font. But doing either of those things means you’re missing out on some great typography options. Font stacks can make it possible […]

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