Nice Web Type – Pure CSS text gradient no PNGs

So there you have it. A pure CSS text gradient with no PNG images necessary. Of course, it only works in Safari. Get your mind into techniques like this now, and you’ll know the logic when other browsers catch up…

Definitive Guide to Taming the IE6 Beast

For years, Internet Explorer 6 IE6 has been the bane of existence for web designers around the world. Designers and users alike have come to enjoy the increasingly predictable, standards-compliant behavior of great modern browsers like Firefox, Opera, and Safari. Meanwhile, IE6 continues to haunt our designs, lurking in dark places while dying a painfully […]

Vertical Centering With CSS

There are a few different ways to vertically centre objects with CSS, but it can be difficult to choose the right one. I’ll show you all the best ways I’ve seen and also how to create a nice little centered website. Vertical centering with CSS isn’t an easy thing to do. There are many different […]

Creating Thumbnails Using the CSS Clip Property

One of the least used properties in CSS is the Clip property. Clip is part of the visual effects module of CSS 2.1 and its job is to place a visible window on top of an object that is being clipped. It is useful for clipping images and creating thumbnails without having to create additional […]

Creating a Keyboard with CSS and jQuery

Sometimes it’s just fun to play around with the programming languages we know and see what we can create. Here’s how to create an online keyboard with CSS, and then make it work with jQuery. The keyboard includes “action” keys (caps lock, shift, and delete) which dynamically change the keyboard when clicked…

Horizontal Sub-nav with CSS & jQuery

How to create a simple navigation bar with a horizontal subnav. In most cases we can achieve this effect purely with CSS, but for IE6 we will use a few lines of jQuery to cover all grounds…

Multi-column layout with CSS3 and some JavaScript

There’s a common newspaper and print layout method where the text of an article is arranged over several columns. This makes the article easer to read and looks quite nice visually. Wouldn’t it be great if you could do this with CSS? Well, in fact this is perfectly possible using the multi-column layout module that […]

Elastic CSS Framework

Elastic is a simple css framework to layout web-based interfaces, based on the printed layout techniques of 4 columns but with capabilities to unlimited column combinations. and capacity to make elastic, fixed and liquid layout easily. Elastic provides a declarative syntax language to define the layout structure and behavior. It’s like having a conversation with […]

CSS cascade – a simple step-by-step presentation

Here is a presentation on the CSS cascade. A simple step-by-step tutorial on the CSS cascade – for web designers and developers who are new to CSS or have struggled with the Cascade…

Comprehensive Guide to CSS Line Height

A simple, but comprehensive step-by-step presentation on CSS line-height. Covers leading, how to apply various line-height values, as well as line-height and the inline box model. Well worth a read…

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