CSS Pull Quotes

Pull quotes are commonly used in print publications to draw emphasis to a particular quote or excerpt from a document, typically placing it in a larger typeface nearby on the page. When creating a well formed HTML document, pullquotes introduce a challenge in that they require a passage of text to be repeated on the […]

How to: Opacity with CSS

Do you know that an opacity or transparency can be applied to various aspects of a website without the use of Photoshop? Well you can with the use of CSS and even though there is not yet a CSS standard, the effect does work in all modern browsers and is easily achievable. Here are the […]

7 Essential CSS3 Techniques Revealed

There are several new and exciting functions and features being thought up for CSS3: text-shadow, box-sizing, opacity, multiple backgrounds, border-radius, border-image, etc. This article presents 7 New CSS3 techniques that every web designer and developer should know. CSS3 will make complex effects easier to implement. Not all current browsers support CSS3 but there are workarounds […]

Understanding CSS Image Opacity / Transparency

Image transparency/opacity is not yet a CSS standard. However, it works in all modern browsers, and is a part of the W3C CSS 3 recommendation. Here’s a nice clear tutorial that explains how to achieve cross-browser transparency. It’s easy to understand and there are some useful examples…

Understanding CSS Absolute Positioning and Layering

It is possible for you to place an HTML element at a particular spot on your web page, independent of what is already there. In this article there’s an in-depth treatment of that topic. You need basic knowledge in CSS and HTML (XHTML) in order to understand this article…

A Primer on the CSS Font Shorthand Property

Font declarations and related properties in CSS are fairly straightforward to write in longhand. But there is a shorthand CSS property for declaring certain typographical properties that is well-supported across all common browsers, but a little quirky to work with. In this article I’ll describe how the css font shorthand property is used, how it […]

Styling Ordered Lists with CSS Tutorial

Recently I was working on a site where I had to style an ordered list and thought this may help some of you in future projects. The snag that some people tend to run into is that they are not sure how to separate the styles of the numbers and the actual content of the […]

5 Popular CSS Frameworks + Tutorials & Tools for Getting Started

CSS frameworks have grown in popularity recently, enabling developers to rapidly prototype designs. The idea of CSS Frameworks is to do all the heavy lifting of the repetitive tasks you do over and over again on each site, allowing you to get faster results and get to the fun stuff designers love. Main features of […]

Multi-level Menus with jQuery and CSS

Lately there have been quite a few requests on Twitter and other places for multilevel menus using jQuery and/or CSS. There are quite a few ways to accomplish this and it largely depends on what your needs are. In this article we’ll take a quick look at several common multilevel menu options and then we’ll […]

How To Style Your Type With CSS

A few weeks ago, I wrote a series of posts on Typography rules and how applying the concept of Contrast, Space, Size and Hierarchy, we can produce appealing, attractive and importantly legible text. These rules are equally applicable for print work and the web. Let’s look at a simple example of a single web page, […]

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