Fixed vs Fluid vs Elastic Layout: What’s The Right One For You?

The problem has boggled the minds of Web designers for years: fixed, fluid, elastic or a hybrid layout design? Each option has its benefits and disadvantages. But the final decision depends so much on usability that it is not one to be made lightly. So, with all the confusion, is there a right decision? By […]

CSS Hack for Internet Explorer 8

Notwithstanding the improvements in the CSS support in Internet Explorer 8, there may be cases when a CSS hack for that particular browser is necessary. Here is one that works in IE8 Standards Compliance Mode…

Tutorial All About CSS Floats

Float is a CSS positioning property. If you are familiar with print design, you can think of it like an image in a layout where the text wraps around it as necessary. In web design, an image that is floated remains a part of the flow of a web page. That means that if it […]

Sexy Drop Down Menu with jQuery and CSS

Studies show that top navigations tend to get the most visual attention when a user first visits a site. Having organized and intuitive navigation is key — and while most drop down menus may look aesthetically pleasing, developing them to degrade gracefully is also essential. This tutorial shows how to create a sexy drop down […]

24 Essential Submit Button Enhancements

Typically a press on a web page button indicates that a user is making a decision of some kind. Buttons are for that reason very important elements and they need to be well integrated with the overall design, easy to spot and use. Styling of buttons is typically achieved using CSS and graphic elements but […]

The Two Ways of Sizing Absolute Elements in CSS

Anyone who has used CSS for a while will know about the merits of absolute and relative positioning. To recap: position: relative allows an element to be shifted from its original position either horizontally (using left or right) or vertically (using top or bottom). position: absolute allows an element to be positioned with respect to […]

CSS: A tribute to selectors (attribute selectors)

Attribute selectors allow you to target an element based upon its “attribute”. You can target any element which has a specific attribute, for example all anchors which have a title attribute…

The CSS Box Model

Every element in web design is a rectangular box. Understanding this allows you to use CSS to bring your web designs to life. How is the size of the box calculated exactly? Here is a diagram…

The Shadow effect in CSS3

Shadow in website design is something that can be achieved by using CSS and images. The exciting new attribute in CSS3 is box-shadow. That allows you to get a nice shadow effect using just one attribute applied to a div…

Custom CSS for the iPhone

Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site’s CSS stylesheet to render differently on the iPhone? You can! Use this CSS…

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