Writing Shorthand CSS is a great method of not only writing better code, but it also can reduce load times and speed up development time by almost halving the code to be written. There are different methods and types of shorthand CSS. These are covered in the following screencast and tutorial…
The CSS !important declaration. This article will discuss what it is, how it’s declared, some practical uses for it, and drawbacks that need to be considered before implementing it…
Here are 15 online grid layout generators for web designers…
A tutorial explaining how to code calendar using valid CSS, HTML and sprites…
This tutorial will teach you how to create low-bandwidth tab navigation on a web page using CSS. As an extra bonus you’ll also learn how to switch tabs without loading the page more than once…
CSS Based is a project providing web designers a gallery of well designed CSS-based websites from all around the world.
Here is a fresh take on the CSS grid (loosely based on Nathan Smith’s 960 Grid System). Its mission is to be lightweight. It can be used to streamline page templates for content management. All this in just one measly kilobyte (actually, 662 bytes, but who’s counting)…
To get around the inadequacies and bugs of IE6 and IE7, we see people going to great lengths and even adding a second stylesheet with conditional comments when we all preach at the same time to minimize HTTP requests. Complicated hacks and workarounds all take more time. And time is money in the business world […]
This brief and easy tutorial provides a method to indent multiple lines of text around a background image on a styled blockquote element…
Text-transform is an incredibly useful CSS property, yet also one of the most underused. Here are its possible values (with examples)…