Everything you Know about Clearfix is Wrong

Too often, authors trigger hasLayout without thinking of adding the necessary styling to create the same rendering across all browsers. Because of this, they end up adding IE specific declarations to “patch” their styling. This does not mean we should avoid clearfix at all costs though. It is a great tool which is safe to […]

inline-block vs float

With display:inline-block finally ready for everyday use across the most popular browsers (in all honesty, it has been for a while now), I quickly hit a pretty big dilemma. When comparing inline-block to floats, it wasn’t immediately clear what the exact differences were and what method to prefer. I looked online but couldn’t find a […]

CSS Specificity And Inheritance

Understanding a few often overlooked CSS concepts is important. The concepts may be hard to grasp and look boring at first, but understanding them and knowing how to take advantage of them is important. Two of these concepts are specificity and inheritance. Not very common words among Web designers, are they? Talking about border-radius and […]

Creating a Realistic Looking Button with CSS3

I had previously created the Cadmus “post” button in Photoshop and it was essentially three images for the different states. I wanted to use this style for all our buttons, but doing it with single images is not a good idea. So I set about creating the same style of the buttons with CSS3. And […]

CSS3 Transforms & @font-face Experiment

This is the first of what I hope are number of experiments I plan on working on over the next few months, all in an effort to get acquainted with some of the new CSS3 features out in the wild that seem to be gaining some traction…

CSS Word-Wrap: Force Text to Wrap

A rarely used but extremely useful CSS property, the word-wrap. You can force long unbroken text to wrap in a new line by specifying break-word with the word-wrap property. For example, you can use it to prevent text extending out the box and breaking the layout. This commonly happens when you have a long URL […]

The Little Known font-size-adjust CSS3 Property

Ever wanted to use fallback fonts on your CSS with different aspect ratios without them looking huge or tiny? The sparkling new CSS3 font-size-adjust property could do just that, maybe…

CSS Opacity: A Comprehensive Reference

CSS opacity has been a bit of a trendy technique for a few years now, and it’s been especially frustrating for developers trying to implement opacity (also referred to as CSS transparency) in a cross-browser fashion, because it’s taken a while for the different browsers to finally agree on settings. There is still not a […]

CSS3 In Transition

With the addition of the CSS3 transition property comes a lot of uncharted territory. Never before has it been so easy to bring animation into a usable, standards-based browsing environment. Determining how often and to what degree one should use animation on a web build can be tricky. As we evaluate how to implement animations […]

How to Create Inset Typography with CSS3

In this tutorial, we’ll create inset type, a popular text treatment, using CSS. If you follow Six Revisions closely, you’re probably thinking: "Jacob already wrote a Photoshop tutorial on how to do that." That is correct, but this time we are going to do it using only CSS…

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