CSS Position Fixed for IE6

How do you get position:fixed css working in Internet Explorer 6? The trick is to use an Internet Explorer CSS expression. You can’t simply put the logic in there directly or it’ll cache the result and not update. The simplest fix is to wrap your logic in eval…

Animated Navigation using jQuery and CSS

How to create an animated navigation menu using jQuery & CSS. Fancy but a very simple technique! The good thing about this technique is that it degrades gracefully and is still accessible even if javascript is turned off…

A Look at Some of the New Selectors Introduced in CSS3

Everyone who has been using CSS is immediately familiar with selectors as they are what is used to target elements on a page and style them. CSS3 brings even more options as far as selecting elements goes. It will allow designers and developers to implement designs much easier and quicker than before…

CSS Gradients via Canvas

CSS Gradients via Canvas provides a subset of WebKit’s CSS Gradients proposal for browsers that implement the HTML5 canvas element. To use, just include css-gradients-via-canvas.js anywhere on the page. Unlike WebKit, this implementation does not currently allow gradients to be used for border images, list bullets, or generated content. The script employs document.querySelectorAll() – it […]

Date Display Technique with Sprites

A great tutorial explaining how you can use a single image sprite and some clever CSS to replace HTML date fields with fancy images…

Reinventing a Drop Down with CSS and jQuery

The standard HTML Select element is pretty much annoying. It’s ugly. It can’t be styled properly in Internet Explorer. And it can only contain simple text. This tutorial shows how to replace a dropdown with a custom control using CSS and jQuery…

IE8 Rendering Modes: One Meta Tag to Rule Them All

You’ve mastered doctypes, now it’s time to get control over the new kid on the block in the browser rendering space. Internet Explorer 8 is gaining traction and is actually the first browser to extend – and in many ways replace – the doctype standards/quirks switch. With a single line of code – one meta […]

The Definitive Guide to Using Negative Margins

Since the recommendation of CSS2 back in 1998, the use of tables has slowly faded into the background and into the history books. Because of this, CSS layouts have since then been synonymous with coding elegance. Out of all the CSS concepts designers have ever used, an award probably needs to be given to the […]

Creatively Display Client Testimonials Using CSS

Display your client testimonials in a creative way, something a little more interesting than just a paragraph of text with their name. Display the testimonial copy within large quotes, and then a picture of the client below the copy. In effect, there are 3 columns, two thin sides with the quotes in them, and the […]

CSS Prism – Analyze Colors in any CSS File

CSS Prism, a CSS color spectrum inspector. Input the path to any .css file, and it’ll output an easy to scan display of all hex colors from the file. Unwanted colors can be edited via a Photoshop-like color picker (using the jQuery color picker) and the resulting CSS file can be downloaded for your convenience…

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