CSS Webkit Appearance

I did my fair share of testing this site on an iPad during development. In most cases, the version of Mobile Safari found on the iPad renders pages like any other standards-based browser. Only when I got to native UI elements like search boxes & text fields did I notice an inconsistency. A pre-set styling […]

Vendor-prefixed CSS Property Overview

Next to having four seperate pages for the major rendering engines, this page shows a clearer overview of the implemented, prefixed properties, and their counterparts in other engines…

Prefix or Posthack

As CSS browser support increases, including impressive strides by the IE9 team, more and more authors are plunging into CSS3. As they do so, they’re facing vendor prefixes—the — properties like -moz-border-radius, -webkit-animation, and so on. There’s been some grumbling about these prefixes. We ought to praise vendors for using prefixes, and indeed encourage them […]

Supersize that Background, Please!

With an advertising world keen to use every inch of a medium for brand or product experience, it is becoming increasingly popular to design websites with full-browser backgrounds. Using CSS, this can be achieved quite easily. Just drop a huge background image in a page with one line of code. But which image size will […]

CSS Content Property

CSS has a property called content. It can only be used with the pseudo elements :after and :before. It is written like a pseudo selector with the colon, but it’s called a pseudo element because it’s not actually selecting anything that exists on the page but adding something new to the page…

CSS3 Chess Board

I was browsing the web today and found something exciting. I noticed that there are unicode characters for chess pieces. Always looking for ways to play with CSS3 I decided to try and build a chess board using my new best friend :nth-child and some unicode characters…

Create A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact Form

Building stylish contact forms typically requires the use of images and maybe some JavaScript to create something that looks professional. However, with CSS3 it’s now much easier to create some nice effects that don’t require the use of any images, yet can still look clean and stylish.In this tutorial we’re going to look at a […]

Flexible, Mobile-First Layouts with CSS3

Some experts are projecting mobile devices to become the dominant medium for web browsing within five years, overtaking browsing on desktop computers. Regardless of how accurate this projection turns out to be, it is clear that formatting websites for mobile-friendly viewing needs to become a staple of web design and development. There are many ways […]

CSS3 Minimalistic Navigation Menu

As you have probably heard by now, CSS3 animations are a powerful tool, which enables you to create animations which run without the need of applying additional scripting to the page. What is even better, in the next generation of browsers we will have even more powerful tools, including 3D transformations (already present in Safari). […]

What CSS3 Can Do For You: Animation and 3D effects

As CSS3 gains more buzz, more and more developers are finding great ways to utilize it. In my last post, I went over the great ways to develop buttons and how to effectively use imagery transitions. Now we will move on and talk about the great ways to use CSS3 for animation and 3D effects…

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