SVG icons are easy but the fallbacks aren’t

A great article that explores what is needed to implement a solid fallback for SVG icons…

Styling And Animating SVGs With CSS

A few techniques for working with CSS in SVG and an overview of exporting and optimising SVGs for embedding…


Takes your SVG drawings and processes them to a CSS icon kit, coming in several different flavors. It prefers high-resolution (retina) SVG over PNG icons, data URIs over CSS sprites and single images and provides fallbacks for even the least capable browsers. It outputs Sass along with (or instead of) CSS code…

Responsive Icons

An interesting tutorial that explains how to use a single SVG file to create responsive icons that get more complex as the screen size increases…

Clown Car Technique for Responsive Images

We can use media queries within SVG to serve up the right image. The beauty of the “Clown Car” technique is that all the logic remains in the SVG file. It’s called the “Clown Car” technique since we are including (or stuffing) many images (clowns) into a single image file (car)…

BaselineMe – Typographic Baseline Generator

An experimental web app that generates a vector image to use when establishing a typographic baseline grid…

A Farewell to CSS3 Gradients

An article all about CSS3 and how crappy they actually are. Raises some interesting points and gives alternative solutions using SVG…