CSS Restaurant Menu

When out having a meal with a few guys from work once we got talking about the menu, and how it would be intereting to work on a restaurant website in terms of using semantics and CSS to build menus properly. When I got in that night I had a spare few minutes and came […]

Use the Cascade – On Using CSS Sensibly

Many times I see people of all skill levels making poor use of the first “C” in CSS; cascading. Furthermore, a constant underuse of specificity is apparent in a lot of developers’ work. While this isn’t wrong per se, it doesn’t make best use of CSS’s primary attribute/purpose, and can cause unecessary workload and coding […]

CSS Box Model: The Foundation For Improving Your CSS

The CSS box model lies behind everything you do in CSS. Every element is defined by a rectangular box that encloses that element. Understanding how the box model works is a key to understanding CSS and having greater control over your layout and presentation. Let’s dive right in and talk about what the CSS box […]

How to Bring CSS3 Features into Your Design

Top web browsers (such as Firefox 3.5 and Safari 4) have introduced some cool features you can already use. Now, with just a few lines of CSS you can do things you used to do with images and javascript…

CSS Backgrounds: 12 Solutions To Common Questions

CSS backgrounds are an important part of web design. The property is where you add the colors and images that sit behind your content, which controls much of the aesthetics of your site. Remove your CSS backgrounds and your site will probably be text on a white background. While relatively easy to understand, CSS backgrounds […]

5 Simple, But Useful CSS Properties

This post is about 5 useful CSS properties that you should be very familiar with, but will most likely rarely use. I’m not talking about the new fancy CSS3 properties. I’m referring to the old CSS2 properties such as: clip, min-height, white-space, cursor, and display that are widely supported by all browsers. So, don’t miss […]

Introducing the Flexible Box Layout Module

One aspect of CSS3 that hasn’t received a lot of attention so far is the Flexible Box Layout module. Already implemented in the Gecko and WebKit engines, in this alternative box model the children of a box are laid out either horizontally or vertically, and unused space can be assigned to a particular child or […]

Simple CSS Tips that Go a Long Way

Sometimes it’s the little things that can make all the difference and there are plenty of neat little CSS tips that can help with all aspects of design and development. Here are a few great tips that will help you improve your CSS work and help you get the most out of your code…

CSS3 Hover Tabs without JavaScript

With the new techniques in CSS3 and clever applications of existing CSS it is increasingly stepping on the toes of JavaScript. Which to be honest isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I thought I’d try my hand at something so here is a basic CSS tabbed content section that changes on hover…

Essential CSS/HTML Lists Styling Techniques

Certain elements in HTML lend themselves to many situations when marking up a website, one of the more useful of these elements is the HTML list. Using lists, a developer can markup horizontal navigation, dropdown navigation, a list of links, and even scrolling content panels with the help of Javascript. These features can help developers […]

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